Hermes speciality is to share its Luck amongst all of its allies. Capable of disrupting enemy positions while changing its own. It can also reduce the chance for enemies to land Critical hits themselves.
Playermon Skills
Passive skill
Citrine Glow
If your health is below 40% at the end of turn, gain 12 LUK.
Active skills
Wing of Steal
AP Cost: 2
Attack: 80
Shield: 0
Reduce enemy's LUK by 7, gain 7 LUK.
Flying Doves
AP Cost: 1
Attack: 55
Shield: 10
Enemy with the highest Health moves 1 space backwards.
Gold Barrier
AP Cost: 2
Attack: 0
Shield: 60
Reduce AP by 1, all other allies gain 40 maximum health and restore 20 health.