Author by Leong Kee Lim

18 Feb 2024 - 10:00 pm

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Introducing the Lunar Chinese Box, an exclusive collection of limited-themed furniture designed to transform your spaceden into a celestial haven. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these legendary furnishings bring the essence of the Chinese Lunar New Year right into your virtual abode. What's more, participating in the Happy Hour event not only elevates the festive spirit but also rewards you with an additional 10 SGEM—the ultimate cherry on top!

Here's a sneak peek at the enchanting furnishings included in the Lunar Chinese Box:

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Spring Paper Crafts

Symbolizing renewal and growth, these intricate paper crafts bring a touch of spring into your space. Hang them on walls or scatter them around to infuse your den with the vibrant energy of the season.

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Fu Tassel

A symbol of good luck and prosperity, the Fu Tassel is a must-have accessory. Hang it by the doorway to usher in positive vibes and good fortune, creating an auspicious atmosphere for all who enter.

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Fortune Stickers

Decorate your walls and furniture with these charming fortune stickers, each bearing traditional Chinese symbols of prosperity and luck. They not only add a festive touch but also serve as delightful conversation starters.

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Lucky Pot

This decorative Lucky Pot is not just visually appealing but also believed to bring wealth and abundance. Place it strategically in your spaceden to attract prosperity and financial well-being.

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Prosperity Toys

A delightful addition to your Lunar Chinese New Year theme, these prosperity toys embody joy and luck. Scatter them around your den or create a playful centerpiece—either way, they're bound to spread happiness.

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Festive Lantern

No Lunar New Year celebration is complete without the warm glow of lanterns. The Festive Lantern from the Lunar Chinese Box casts a soft and inviting light, setting the perfect ambiance for festivities. This limited-time offer ensures that not only do you get to adorn your space with these incredible furnishings, but you also get rewarded for embracing the joyous spirit of the Lunar New Year.

Don't miss the chance to make your space den a haven of celebration and fortune with the Lunar Chinese Box, where tradition meets modernity and luck meets luxury!